Having a construction marketing plan is important. Developing a construction plan is even more as it is critical to the success of your company. Marketing isn’t always just selling and advertising. Marketing is also a strategic plan that you develop for your company.
If you’re thinking in opening a construction business, here are 6 steps that could help you:
1. Determine Your Objective
You must be able to know what your objective is. If you already know your objective, achieving it will be easy as you may be able to know what will be the things you should and shouldn’t do. It will be a good thing for it can guide you in every decisions you will do.
2. Perform a SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
The SWOT analysis helps in identifying the internal and external factors that will affect the company’s future performance. It evaluates the business environment in a detailed manner so as to take strategic decisions for future course of action.
Strengths and Weaknesses are internal. You can make a list of the company’s positive points (strengths) and negative points (weakness). A company’s weakness can be converted into strength by recognising it and by making effort in that direction. Opportunities and Threats are external. SWOT analysis can improve company performance.
3. Analyse the Current Market
Having a marketing objective and a SWOT analysis helps you get the result that you want and a potential analysis of areas that you see as revenues for new markets or strengthening current markets.

4. Create a Marketing Budget for Your Construction Business
Having a marketing budget is really not that easy. Do set a solid figure on how much you will be willing to spend and develop within the limit of your budget. Just in case, prepare also your backup plan.
5. Develop Strategy and List Tactics to Market Your Construction Company’s (The Marketing Mix)
Have a list of opportunities that you feel confident in marketing to then create your budget. There are many strategies on how you will be able to advertise your business like the local paper, magazine, internet and radio shows. Do a market research and see to it that you are targeting your target market.
6. Monitor the Results
Check your statistics and monitor client feedbacks. Having a good impression on your client is very helpful for your business.